Lending and Security Review

It is often the case that after monies have been borrowed, the borrower does not revisit the terms of the facility throughout its duration.

On the basis that most investment facilities are structured on an amortising basis, the position is likely to continue to improve throughout the term of the loan.

Additionally, on the basis that lenders can provide loans for up to 25 years, market conditions can change significantly throughout this period. We don’t have to look back too far to see this.

What can Bespoke do to help ?

We will review the terms of the loan to ensure the interest rate is reflective of market conditions.

We will ensure the repayments reflect the current rate being charged.

We will review the loan covenants and post-drawdown conditions of sanction to ensure these remain appropriate.

We will undertake a security review to ensure the security held by the Bank is not excessive (including personal guarantees). If this is the case, we will seek for this security to be released, or where appropriate work with the lender to see if there is scope for further borrowing.

We will ensure that any revaluation clause is not enforced unless essential to do so. This can be a very costly exercise, which in many cases provides no benefit to the borrower.

We will undertake a structure review to ensure the type and structure of the borrowing entity remains appropriate and it the most advantageous to you in relation to all elements of taxation, from personal and corporation tax to capital gains tax, inheritance tax and beyond.